
Showing posts from February, 2020

Description about "NodeJs"

What is NodeJS ?                    Actually this is the runtime environment for the JavaScript, This runtime environment built on Google Chrome's V8 engine.This also an opensource, which is used to implement Server Side Scripting.The foundation of this language is based on C++,C,JavaScript. Because of the cross platform usage NodeJS is famous among developers. There are several NodeJS Versions which are launched before, But now a days V13.8.0 is the latest updated version.                    Commonly known as a lightweight environment, Because in java there are several threads which are running background, But when we are considering this there are no any Multi Threading concept.But there is an event loop in order to done process.                     That's what made this lightweight.

What is the Not Only SQL database

What is this Database ?                       NoSQL also known as the Non-relational or Distributed Databases. This was introduced by Carlo Strozzi in 1998, As describe in this name there are no any sql included to this NoSQL. So.. you wonder, then how are we suppose to store data without SQL.                       we don't  need tables to store data in this databases. But there are four basic types in this database.Those four basic types allows to handle huge data and manage the traffic of it. Four basic types are, Column-Based Store  :- HBase , Cassandra Key-Value Store  :-   Riak ,  Amazon S3 Document-Based Store  :-  CouchDB ,  MarkLogic Graph-Based Store  :-  Neo4J This databases are mostly used in industry,Because there have so many advanced data handling capacity and capability of huge...

"Application Frameworks" Are you familiar with this ?

How Can we define an Application Framework ?                     Inside a  human body there is a skeleton in order to give the strength and shape to body parts, likewise Application Framework is kind of a skeleton to application. This frameworks are also a Bundle of Software with Libraries which gives the Fundamental to Develop an Application faster and smarter.                     When we are using this kind of a technology we can easily develop our particular application with correct application structure.There are various collection of Application Frameworks which we can use according to our application design. What are the  benefits  we can get by using Frameworks ?                       We can easily gain lots of advantages by using frameworks to develop application, Let me list down some of them ...